The Gift of Past Lives with Mother, Isabella, God & Elizabeth
by David Bettenhausen &
Carla Bogni-Kidd
How did two real-life people, living 750 miles apart, end up meeting in this life not just once, but twice? Then, it all started with a simple question, “Do you want to try meditation?” We did start to meditate and discovered a portal to past lives and a whole new path to better living. Our real-life journey has taken us through 29 lives together, as kings, queens, slaves, slave owners, white skinned, black skinned, rich and poor. Along the way, we learned a lot about ourselves, God and why we reincarnate over and over again.
the beauty is inside…
There is no Hell!
by David Bettenhausen &
Carla Bogni-Kidd
You are asked from the beginning of this book, your perception of God. We ask if you believe God is alive and active in your life today? Are good and evil simply a perspective? We do not claim to speak for God. However, humans must be created with a purpose. Otherwise, why be created at all? Somewhere in all of this, free will must have some importance. Is reincarnation real? We examine the history, philosophy and the proof! None of us have lived all perfect lives, so we included seven of our past-life stories together. These lives demonstrate where humanity began, where humanity is, and just how far it still needs to go!
We never got the Manual…
by David Bettenhausen &
Carla Bogni-Kidd
Here we reveal the Twelve faces of man created by God, along with:
Sacred Geometry,
Astrological Signs,
Angels, Spirit Guides & Elementals
Isabella Says,
“It’s as if I am one with God and
one with you.”
Mother says,
“The lessons should have been, to respect yourself, try your best and treat others with the same respect.”
God says,
“No flower is exactly the same.
Free will and manifestation of destiny
is like a blooming of the flower.”
Elizabeth says,
“A rose never asks the question,
‘Why am I a rose?’ The rose confidently says, ‘I was created to bloom.”
by David Bettenhausen &
Carla Bogni-Kidd
Love of a man for a woman. Love of a couple for their families. The love of families for their community and the love of community for their God. During the Second Temple period of Israel at the beginning of the first millennium CE, the country was divided and in upheaval. The people were persecuted and broken. Many itinerate preachers took it upon themselves to reach out to the people. This historically inspired novel is the story of one such preacher. APOCRYPHAL AND APOCALYPTIC! Love is kind. Love is patient. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth. There is no limit to love, to its trust, its hope and its power to endure. Life was so much simpler then. We honored our God and our mother and father. People did not covet their neighbor or bear false witness against them. We were expected to love our neighbors as ourselves. The love of our God, bound the community together as one. The Law or the word of God meant something. How could a single red rose change the path of two small children throughout their entire life?

Praise for
The Gift of Past Lives with Mother, Isabella, God & Elizabeth
Quite interesting and enlightening
“I especially liked the five simple rules of living – very straight forward and insightful. The world would be a much better place if everyone would just follow these. It has been quite interesting and enlightening – although not something that I normally immerse myself into. Cannot say that I have heard about “Quietism” before, but I do believe that the Catholic church’s belief that you must go through the church to communicate to God is something I have always had trouble with. Being raised protestant I always believed that everyone has direct access to God. They can communicate with God through prayer, song, meditation or whatever. My favorite past-life stories in the book included the two shepherds (Bayla & Dotin) and the teacup story (Katrina and Giovanni). Thought they had very nice messages and lessons learned, recapped at the end.”
— Kevin from Omaha
More intrigued by each chapter
“I found the book very interesting from the beginning. I was more intrigued by each chapter. It has me thinking about what I need to change in my life. Also, it has me curious about if there is indeed reincarnation, and if my loved ones have passed over.”
— Janet from Michigan
Very interesting reading
“Very interesting reading; definitely made me want to find out more about the reincarnation theory.”
— Brad from Ohio